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Relocation to Takadanobaba from June 26th 2023


As you may or may not have heard, the legendary Nakano Sun Plaza will be closing due to reconstruction. As a result, Bass On Top Nakano Sun Plaza Location will also be closing as well. After consideration of a variety of different options, we have chosen to move in-person lessons to Bass on Top Takadanobaba location as of Monday, June 26th 2023.

We understand this may be a bit of an inconvenience, particularly for those students who are only a small walk to Nakano Sun Plaza, but after exploring a lot of options, the Bass On Top Takadanobaba location provides the best services to continue to deliver high quality lessons to our students.

It has been a pleasure teaching all of our students at the Nakano Sun Plaza for the past five years. It is also an honor to be a small part of its long legacy.

We are excited and look forward to a new chapter starting Monday, June 26th 2023!


Ontario Guitar Studio Instructor

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